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14 items found for "Venice Beach, Los Angeles"


    In honor of Women’s History Month, we wanted to spotlight our Co-Founder, Angel Saemai. We took it upon ourselves to dive deep with Angel by asking 6 questions to get to know how Overall Murals


    These two entrepreneurs eventually moved to opposite coasts—Angel to New York and Helen to Los Angeles—where Angel and her husband, Dmitry Pankov, founded Overall Murals in 2010. ANGEL: After Boston, Helen moved to LA and Angel to NY where we met our husbands and business partners Our hubbies and kids are now also buddies and we never miss any opportunity to take a beach trip as well ANGEL: We love CLK’s hot sauce and crave it whenever we don’t have any in the fridge.

  • Bigger, Bolder, Out of Home: The Unique Possibilities with Hand Paint

    hand painted a giant anamorphic Pop-Tart with 3D build-outs on two of our wallscapes in New York and Los Angeles. Recently, we had the pleasure of working on a chilling street-level mural in Melrose, Los Angeles for


    We then provide them a spec sheet that gives them all the details about each wall’s size so that they On the west coast, located on the cusp of Silverlake and Echo Park in Los Angeles on Sunset Blvd., we

  • Leave Your Ego At the door

    Last week, I worked on a wall in Venice that had the most difficult block and tackle rig I’ve ever been

  • In with the old, out with the new

    Millennial-aged New Yorkers taking out old-school cameras to snap a shot of their friends' outfits or capture lo-fi

  • How are you, really, San Francisco?

    Once we got our own cars, we would either drive to the beach or head to the city to party and find diverse Last summer, after attending a wedding in North Beach, I surprisingly found nearby bars packed and people

  • Where art meets swag

    Once each year, our creative team researches and selects artists who understand and connect with our vote on a final artist, then hold a few meetings to discuss some merchandise concepts, but we give each with various talents from different backgrounds, and hold new perspectives and styles. " Co-founders Angel


    the day after my last day as an educator, I would find myself in a familiar situation — seated on a bench It has been an honor working alongside female leaders like Angel Saemai, co-owner of Overall Murals,

  • apprenticeship workshop

    They started with a zoomed-out point of view of the whole process and broke down each step before we took each painter through each step a few times. Each painter learned how to pull up gear safely, tie a knot, and assemble a rig. individual pulling themselves and the platform they are standing on to reach the murals facade. Through this process, we learned that everyone has a different level of painting experience, teaching

  • The Cevallos Brothers: Traditional Sign Painting Legends in NYC

    Armed with brushes and paint cans, they meticulously handcraft each sign, infusing it with character We recently became one of those businesses, reaching out to them via Instagram about painting a poster


    When I made my career transition back in March 2018, from teaching to real estate, friends and family But as I step back from my fears and reflect on what drove my decision to leave teaching for Real Estate

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